TTUHSC Surgery Burn Center of Research Excellence (BCoRE) | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Mission statement:

To be a Center for Excellence in Research covering the entire spectrum of burn injury, from microscopic alterations at the cellular level to the clinical care of the whole person to the impact of burn injuries on society. This includes injury prevention, disaster planning, initial response and resuscitation, critical care, pain control, infectious complications, nutrition, surgical management, wound care, psychosocial issues and long term rehabilitation. 


To facilitate collaboration in basic science and clinical research across the disciplines of microbiology, biochemistry, medicine, surgery, nursing, physical therapy, psychology and occupational therapy, in order to:

  1. Increase the scientific knowledge related to burn injuries and resulting complications
  2. Develop new tools and strategies for the clinical care of acutely injured patients
  3. Describe epidemiologic characteristics of burn injuries
  4. Develop protocols for injury prevention and disaster/ mass casualty planning
  5. Investigate novel strategies in the management of acute and chronic wounds
  6. Create effective and integrated protocols for pain control, stress disorder, long term rehabilitation and transition to regular life post- burn injury
  7. Leverage emerging technologies to improve clinical care of acutely injured patients (Machine learning, image processing, artificial intelligence, etc.)
  8. Leverage the built environment to allow for streamlined care of acutely injured patients


  1. Develop research collaborations between clinical and basic science departments within TTUHSC
  2. Develop research collaborations between TTUHSC and UMC
  3. Broaden the impact of our scientific work through publications, presentations at national meetings and collaborations with outside institutions involved in burn research
  4. Broaden the impact of our scientific work through innovation and entrepreneurship (TTUHSC Innovation hub, Regional and NSF I-Corp grants)

Got Questions?

If you are interested in participating in, or would like more information about this research endeavor, please contact us.

Kendra Rumbaugh, PhD



bcoreThe topic of burns and wounds has been a fertile ground for research at TTUHSC for several years, with multiple peer reviewed publications and presentations at national and international meetings. The burn research program has also facilitated the involvement of TTUHSC faculty, residents, medical students and undergraduates in basic science and clinical research, providing the first research opportunity for many junior investigators. The designation as a TTUHSC Research Center of Excellence will serve to recognize these efforts both intra and extramurally, as well as develop the basic and clinical science infrastructure in order to be competitive for grant funding at both local and national levels. Formalization as a center will also facilitate access by students from all schools at TTUHSC as well as promote collaboration with outside organizations and individuals. Finally, a designated center of excellence will promote national recognition of the scientific work being done at TTUHSC and help recruit talented individuals interested in this area of research at all levels.

Burn care has historically been a multidisciplinary field from its inception as a separate specialty in the 1950s, with physicians, nurses, wound care technicians, physical therapists, occupational therapists and psychologists being recognized as equally important to the well-being of the burned patient. Perhaps in no other field of medicine is the concept of a team approach so firmly embedded. This is evident even at the national level with the American Burn Association (ABA) leadership comprised of representation from all specialties. This approach is well suited to translational research and collaboration, and is a likely factor in the high research productivity of the burn center despite a relatively small core physician faculty.

BCoRE Related Activities:

 Dr. Abdul Hamood

 Dr. John Griswold

Dr. Alan Pang

Dr. Kendra Rumbaugh