Medical Humanities Certificate Program | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Medical Humanities

The Medical Humanities encompass the human dimensions of medicine and serve to remind healthcare providers that medicine is an art as well as a science. The medical humanities are the ideal mechanism to promote the Oslerian ideals of the art and science of medicine. The Center seeks to enrich the life of the entire HSC campuses through engagement with humanistic values and educational opportunities.

Certificate Program in Medical Humanities: 

This program offers students the opportunity to enrich their medical education through participation in elective courses, lecture series, volunteer opportunities, writing workshops, and directed research programs. This program encompasses all four years of medical school and confers a special honor and dean's recognition upon graduation.

The Certificate Program is designed to foster a deep scholarly understanding of and personal appreciation for the role of humanistic medicine over a four year course of medical education. Our goal is to create a space to reflect on the character, compassion, and values which define medicine as a calling and each individual as a member of the profession of medicine, and allow students to participate in elective courses, seminar series, cultural events, and community activities that promote a humanistic professional identity formation.

Students may participate in Summer Research and have the opportunity to present their work at national conferences such where they gain experience and feedback from scholars from around the country.

For  a description of program, click here

For a schedule of classes, click here  


Collaboration with Texas Tech Law School:

Dr. Erwin is a speaker at the TTU Law School where she brings her expertise in Health Law and Ethics to an interdisciplinary audience. Medical students in the Medical Humanities Certificate Program are invited to interact with lawyers interested in healthcare, biosecurity, and public health law.

Law school Collaboration


Students must turn in an application to the Certificate Program during their first year of medical school. The deadline for application to the program is December 31st of your MS1 year. Exceptions will be allowed only with the Director's approval. Students will need to meet and complete certain requirements, each year of their medical education.