Early Acceptance Programs | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

About the Programs

For students who are considering enrolling in medical school after their undergraduate education, an attractive opportunity is available. The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Early Acceptance Program (EAP) is open to residents of the State of Texas only.  It is a joint effort between several Texas colleges and universities and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine for qualified, highly motivated students to obtain an early acceptance to medical school.

The objectives of this joint early acceptance program are: to attract academically talented high school students to these selected participating colleges/universities and later to the medical school at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine; to provide an exciting incentive to the gifted students interested in medicine; and to encourage students to broaden their educational experience before they enroll in their professional studies. The waiver of the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) should allow more time to include coursework in the humanities, mathematics, business, languages, or in other areas, which make for well-rounded professionals.

This Program is designed for outstanding high school graduates who have a strong interest in pursuing a career in medicine. It has the possibility of enabling a student to be interviewed during his/her third year of undergraduate education and to receive notification of admission by the end of that academic year. It would also include the waiver of the MCAT. Students who are interested in pursuing early selection and waiver of the MCAT must meet the EAP criteria.

This is not an accelerated program. Therefore, the School of Medicine reserves the right to deny acceptance through this program to students who may contemplate early graduation.

Primary Qualifications

  • Texas residents
  • Graduated from a Texas high school
  • U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents
  • Earned a composite score of 1360 on the SAT (Verbal and math portions only), or a 30 on the ACT upon matriculation from high school (composite score must be earned in one test administration)

School specific program details

Applications and requirements

TMDSAS Application

Register an account and create a full primary application with the Texas Medical and Dental Schools Application Service (TMDSAS). 

A complete primary application consists of:

  • Filled and submitted TMDSAS application
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Application fee

* The MCAT requirement is waived for all Early Acceptance Program applicants.

Prerequisite Coursework

Course Hours
General Biology or Zoology 6
Biology Labs 2
Upper Division Biology 6
General Chemistry 6
General Chemistry labs 2
Organic Chemistry 6
Organic Chemistry labs 2
Physics 6
Physics labs 2
English 6
Statistics 3
Total 47

Refer to the School specific details section for coursework required by each individual institution.

Texas Tech University HSC School of Medicine Secondary Application

After submitting your TMDSAS application, you will receive an email from the TTUHSC School of Medicine with a link to log in and fill the secondary application. You can find the secondary application questions here.

Casper & Duet

All applicants applying to the Medicine program at Texas Tech University Health Sciences - Lubbock are required to complete online assessments (Casper & Duet), to assist with our selection process.

Casper is an online test which assesses non-cognitive skills and interpersonal characteristics that we believe are important for successful students and graduates of our program, and will complement the other tools that we use for applicant screening. In implementing Casper, we are trying to further enhance fairness and objectivity in our selection process.

Duet is a value-alignment assessment that compares what you value in a program with what the program has to offer. With Duet, your individual preferences are compared with programs’ unique profiles to help assess your alignment in a standardized way.

In order to take these assessments, you will be responsible for securing access to a laptop or desktop computer with webcam and audio capabilities. You will require the following for both account creation and taking the test:

● Government-issued photo ID

● Valid email address

● Working webcam

● Working microphone

● Reliable high-speed internet connection

Please go to https://acuityinsights.app/ to sign up for the Medicine test (CSP-10111 - U.S. Medicine), under your specific country (USA), and reserve a test using your TMDSAS ID and a piece of government-issued photo ID. You will be provided with a limited number of testing dates and times. Please note that these are the only testing dates available for your Casper test. There will be no additional tests scheduled. Please use an email address that you check regularly; there may be updates to the test schedule.

You will be provided with a limited number of testing dates and times based on the admissions timeline and requirements. Please note that these are the only testing dates available for your Casper test, and you must select Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine for distribution before the posted Distribution Deadline. Likely, there will be no additional tests scheduled, but the most up to date information can be found by browsing the Test Dates and Times  on AcuityInsights.app.

To account for identity verification and payment processing timeline, ensure that you register for your test at least 3 days before your preferred test date and time. Last-minute bookings are not recommended. If you require testing accommodations for Casper, you will need to submit the Accommodations Request Form signed by you and your qualified professional 3 weeks in advance of your desired test date. More information regarding Casper accommodations can be found here.

For questions, you may use the chat bubble in the bottom right hand corner of your screen on the https://acuityinsights.app/ website.

The Casper test comprises 14 sections of video and written scenarios. Following each scenario, you will be required to answer a set of probing questions under a time contract. The test typically takes between 90-110 minutes to complete. Each response is graded by a different rater, giving a very robust and reliable view of personal and professional characteristics important to our program. No studying is required for Casper, although you may want to familiarize yourself with the test structure at AcuityInsights.app, and ensure you have a quiet environment to take the test. We strongly urge you to take advantage of the 14-section practice test, which will not only immerse you in the test environment, but will also ensure you meet the technical requirements to access and complete the test.

Casper & Duet test results are valid for one admissions cycle. Applicants who have already taken the test in previous years will therefore be expected to re-take it.

Application Timeline

May 1 TMDSAS application opens
June 1 First applications transmitted to schools
November 1 Submission deadline for TMDSAS application
November 15 Letters of recommendation should be posted by this date
November 30 Submission deadline for the secondary application

School of Medicine Interview decisions and rejections given.*

December-January Medicine Interviews for Early Acceptance Program applicants.


Admission decisions given*

* All EAP applicants receive an email notification with their decision to the email address on their TMDSAS application.

After Acceptance

Contact the Office of Admissions

SOM Admissions
(806) 743 - 2297