Accelerated Family Medicine Program | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Family Medicine, Family Medicine Degree

Family Medicine Accelerated Track

The Family Medicine Accelerated Track (FMAT) is an innovative 3-year accelerated medical school curriculum that culminates into an M.D. degree and leads to a standard 3-year family medicine residency in Lubbock, Amarillo or the Permian Basin. Our program is the first of its kind: this unique accelerated medical program condenses the traditional medical program to allow students a faster route to pursuing their independent interests and getting their valuable services into the field.

Like our traditional family medicine program, this track works with a firm mission to provide comprehensive and integrated care of the whole person. Our students and faculty strive to advance a unique model of patient care characterized by comprehensive and integrated care over time.

Students applying to the TTUHSC School of Medicine may apply to the FMAT program by indicating their interest on the TMDSAS application or current students may apply during the fall semester of their first year.

The Purpose of FMAT

Why Family Medicine?

  1. The Family Medicine Accelerated Track aims to increase the number of medical students choosing a career in family medicine, especially in underserved areas, who will provide patient-centered care.
  2. As this is a condensed program, this family medicine degree prepares primary care physicians more efficiently and with less cost

Family Medicine Accelerated Track Curriculum

FMAT students will complete their predoctoral training in three years, following a curriculum modified slightly from the regular curriculum. The training program for FMAT students includes several innovative curricular activities that will ensure that students are prepared appropriately for their accelerated experiences.

This 8-week concentrated course is taken during the summer between Year 1 and Year 2 under the supervision of Family Medicine faculty. This course prepares students to begin the Longitudinal Family Medicine Clerkship during Year 2.

  • Overview and review of MS2 basic science course materials
  • 8-week concentrated course in June and July
  • Class meets 4-5 hours daily Monday through Thursday
  • Case-based didactic and small-group sessions across 7 themes with both basic science and family physician facilitators: cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine/gastroenterology, musculoskeletal, women's health/urology, neuropsychiatry, dermatology 
  • Clinical and pathophysiology correlations material, focusing on skills for patient assessment
  • Evaluation includes daily quizzes, a weekly OSCE and two exams

Students participate in a Longitudinal Family Medicine Clerkship course in August-May of Year 2

  • Conducted primarily during Tuesday and Thursday mornings, August-May
  • Outpatient clinic and inpatient hospital service
  • Geriatrics and palliative care experiences
  • Twice monthly student enrichment activities
  • Increasing independent responsibilities with clinic and hospital patients
  • Evaluation includes shelf exam, OSCE and other family medicine clerkship evaluations

This 8-week capstone course taken during the May-June rotation of Year 3 to fulfill the learning objectives for two courses normally required in Year 4, the Family Medicine Senior Critical Care Selectives.

  • 4 weeks ICU and critical care, including time for the all-campus OSCE
  • 3 weeks Family Medicine inpatient service, including time for Step 2CK exam
  • 1 week residency program orientation
  • Students participate in May graduation exercises but do not complete coursework until the end of June
  • Evaluation includes assessments used for the Family Medicine sub-I and critical care experiences



School of Medicine

Office of Admissions

(806) 743 - 2297