Office of Research: Support Programs
The SHP Office of Research Support Programs’ (RSP) provide competitive funding opportunities that educate on best practices for federal funding development. RSP provides financial support for; seed research, federal funding development, publication expenditures, faculty release time, and offset travel costs related to research and scholarship.
Internal Grant Funding Opportunities
Seed Grant
This 1-Year Award supports faculty with potential of developing and maintaining a quality research agenda. No single award can exceed $10,000. The Seed Grant platform aims to fund research that supports:
- Initiating a faculty member’s development of a funded research agenda.
- Facilitating peer-reviewed research publication.
- Stimulating research proposal submissions to outside agencies.
Bridge Grant
This 1-Year Award provides a small financial support to assist faculty who plan to resubmit a previously reviewed and unfunded grant application to a major federal, state or a private funding agency (e.g., NIH, NSF, U.S. Department of Education, DoD, Hearing Research Foundation etc.). The funds are solely aimed to support data collection that:
- Addresses specific criticisms of the original grant application.
- Renders a revised application more competitive.
Federal Funding Development Award
This 2-year award program provides support to faculty who wish to develop a substantial OUTSIDE GRANT APPLICATION. The aims of the FFDA Program is to fund research that leads to:
- Collaboration with faculty members from other departments, colleges, universities.
- Familiarization with federal grant application development.
- Collection of Preliminary Data necessary for a federal grant application.
- Submission of a federal grant application (eg…NIH, NSF, U.S. DOE, DoD, etc.).
Faculty Research & Scholarly Assistance Program
Assists full-time SHP faculty members of all ranks who are interested in publishing peer-reviewed research, generating pilot data for external funding opportunities, submitting research proposals to federal, public or private funding agencies or other scholarly activities. Faculty release time or research assistance may be requested for one or two semesters, dependent on project scope.
The Faculty Research & Scholarly Assistance Programs provides competitive funding for the following:
- Research Assistance to buy-out courses.
- Travel assistance for research data collection and/or research presentations.
- Auxiliary support for research supplies.
- Open Access Journal Publication funding.
For additional information on all Support Programs visit: SHP Research Support Programs.