Digital Strategy - TTUHSC Communications & Marketing | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
TTUHSC students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.
Office of Communications & Marketing hero image with laptop, print items & camera

Our Digital Strategy team communicates and maintains the brand of Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) across a multitude of web and digital platforms, including and Our mission is to develop a digital strategy that engages our students, patients and stakeholders and provides a positive experience with the TTUHSC brand online.


Our web team is ready to help with content strategy, development and performance analysis. From web page updates to completely new sites, the Digital Strategy team is the forward-thinking team to partner with in showcasing the future of health.

We work the behind-the-scenes side of web properties to put fresh, relevant content in front of our audiences. By continuously optimizing our digital properties, we make them more findable, and we’re ensuring more audiences learn about the work being done at TTUHSC.

  • Academic & Clinical Websites
  • Blog
  • Institutional-Wide Email
  • Digital Signage
  • Announcements & Events
  • Emergency Communications


Reach out for a digital strategy consultation.

  • Analytics and website traffic reports to help you understand how your content is being used
  • Content inventories and audits can show you the current state of your department’s web pages and what needs to be improved
  • Quality assurance monitoring and reporting to stay on top of common website issues like broken links and misspellings
  • Identification of keywords and implementation into metadata

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