Frequently Asked Questions for Agencies | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
TTUHSC students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What rules govern interagency transfers?

HSC OP 63.11, Texas Government Code §2175 & §403.278, and Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board rules.

2. Which Agencies can acquire items from TTUHSC Surplus?

All Texas schools including TTU, SPC, public schools, open enrollment charter schools, city and county departments, public assistance organizations, non-profit food banks, homeless assistance groups, groups with Health and Human Services contracts, and agencies included in Texas Government Code §2175.

3. When are items available to view in person?

Viewing is available on-line. Certain hours are occasionally set aside for special school viewing. Email to be added to the contact list for the Lubbock surplus.

4. Are items available for on-line viewing?

Yes, most surplus items are available for on-line redistribution.  Simply go to and register.  After creating a login ID, please contact Butch Castner to arrange view access to items available for redistribution before they are made available for public sale.

5. What type of item is not available for on-line viewing?

Bulletin boards, pictures, and small office supplies are not photographed and posted on-line.

6. I see items for sale from several different agencies.  How can I view only items from TTUHSC?

You may restrict your view as follows: On the far right side of the site under the category “Browse Auctions Within Area”, chose Texas as the region and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center as the Agency.  You may browse items without creating a login. 

7. Can items be “held” for an Agency?

No. Once a school or agency “tags” or otherwise requests property, it needs to be picked up within 5 days. Certain large items may require special consideration.

8. What rules apply if the agency no longer needs an item obtained through TTUHSC surplus?

Once an item has been acquired from TTUHSC, it is considered to be the property of the school or agency picking it up. This property is to be inventoried, controlled, and disposed of the same as items paid for by the school or agency. The TFC form requires Assistance Organizations to use items for a minimum of two years prior to disposal/transfer.

9. Can I be on an “alert” list to let me know when a specific type of item becomes available?

Yes.  Set up your profile online at  and list the items you need. An email alert will be sent to you automatically as items available. 

10. My agency needs that item more than they do. Is there a way to get preferential treatment?

If two schools both arrive on the same day and want the same item TTUHSC General Services will assist in determining priority. Preference is given to the smaller schools, demonstrated need, and quantity available. A rural clinic would have priority on medical equipment, and specialty equipment that could be used in an existing program would outweigh the desire for holding in reserve in case it can be used.

11. Do you have computers available?

 No.  All of our computer items are sent to Texas Correctional Industries where they are refurbished. Most schools and agencies can visit their website and obtain the refurbished equipment by completing the System Configuration Request Form.

12. May I acquire an item through an Agency Transfer and then use the item personally or sell it?


Got Questions?

We're here to help. Contact us if you have questions.

Butch Castner
