Sanitization & Cleaning Procedure | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
TTUHSC students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.


The TTUHSC Facilities and Safety Services team is committed to following CDC recommended practices for the health and well-being of our campus communities.

santizing spray

Sanitizing Classrooms

Sanitization & Cleaning

  • The team has performed a deep-clean and sanitization of classrooms, labs, offices and common spaces during campus closures and will coordinate the daily cleaning of all instructional spaces once our campuses reopen, which includes:

    • Cleaning rooms with EPA-approved products, including wiping high-touch areas such as desktop surfaces, chairs, door knobs and light switches followed by electrostatic application of disinfectant to all surfaces.

    • Each classroom will remain stocked with appropriate supplies (e.g., disinfectant spray, paper towels, sanitizer wipes, hand sanitizer).

  • TTUHSC’s custodial staff will continue to clean common areas, with a heightened focus on high-touch areas such as door knobs and handrails.

  • The anatomy lab in Lubbock and simulation facilities in Abilene, Amarillo, Lubbock and Odessa follow cleaning protocols, adhering to CDC guidelines. For all other specialized learning laboratories, individual faculty members and/or students are expected to disinfect their workspaces and necessary equipment before and after use.

  • TTUHSC facilities are equipped with HVAC filtration that exceeds standards for intended  building use.

What you can do to help

With more team members returning to campus, we have streamlined procedures to assist our housekeeping team. We ask that you choose one of the following options when you leave your office space for the day.

    If your office has been occupied and requires cleaning, place the trash receptacle immediately outside your door. This will indicate to housekeeping that the office requires cleaning and the trash emptied. Housekeeping will perform basic cleaning and disinfecting of contact points such as light switches, doorknobs (interior and exterior), and guest chair armrests. 
    If an office is unoccupied or no service is needed, the absence of the trash receptacle outside the door will indicate to housekeeping not to enter the space.
    If your desire is to have your trash receptacle emptied but no service is desired in the space, simply place the trash receptacle outside your door and tape a small note (3” x 3”) to outside the door/door frame next to door handle “Housekeeping not needed. Do not enter.” Your note will alert housekeeping to only empty the trash. The empty receptacle on the outside of the office space will let you know that your office space has not been entered or cleaned.

You may direct your questions regarding these procedures to Johnny Castellano, director of environmental services, at 806-743-9111.