How to Become a Pharmacist | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Pharmacy Students in White Coats and How to Become a Pharmacist

Apply to Pharmacy School

Texas Tech University Health Science Center School of Pharmacy has an abundance of exciting, cutting-edge programs that allow students many different paths for those who are seeking a career within the field of pharmacy. The accomplished professionals who lead these programs guide our students through the outstanding educational lessons required to spearhead this ever-changing community.

Application Process:

  • Complete the PharmCAS application
  • Once your PharmCAS Application is submitted and verified, you can access your supplemental application. You must pay the non-refundable $100 supplemental application fee and complete the remaining application requirements by the appropriate application deadline.
  • It can take up to 14 days for your PharmCAS application to be verified. Once your application has been verified, you will then receive a link in your email to access your supplemental application.
  • Prerequisites do not have to be completed prior to applying, but we prefer that your prerequisites are completed by the August prior to enrollment.

Questions about the application process? Email

Requirements for Pharmacy School

To apply to the program leading to a Pharm.D. degree, the applicant should:

  • Access the PharmCAS on-line application 

    - Application opens on July 11.
    - Priority Application Deadline is October 1.
    - Final Application Deadline is June 1

Our office of student affairs and admissions processes applications submitted applications. It also provides advisement to students interested in pharmaceutical careers and offers student services to prospective and current students. If you have questions regarding admissions requirements, visit our page here

Upon the successful completion of our program in the School of Pharmacy, TTUHSC School of Pharmacy will award individuals the Doctor of Pharmacy Degree (Pharm. D.), leading to sought-after opportunities and a promising career in pharmaceutical sciences. Successful candidates to the school must complete the certain prerequisites in addition to meeting our minimum GPA requirements. MORE 

We can assist you in determining which pharmacy courses you have taken fulfill our prerequisite course requirements. Pharmacy courses vary by the institution through which you received credit.