Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Characteristics of Public Doctoral Programs | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Characteristics of Public Doctoral Programs

Measure Operational Definition  
Number of Degrees Per Year Rolling three-year average of the number of degrees awarded per academic year 26 (graph A)
Graduation Rates Rolling three-year average of the percent of first-year doctoral students[2] who graduated within ten years 97%
Average Time to Degree Rolling three-year average of the registered time to degree[3] of first-year doctoral students within a ten year period 2 Years / 6 consecutive semesters
Employment Profile (in field within one year of graduation) Percentage of the last three years of graduates employed in academia, post-doctorates, industry/professional, government, and those still seeking employment (in Texas and outside Texas) Academia: 11%
Industry/Professional: 89%
Still seeking employment: 0%
Admissions Criteria Description of admission factors Doctorate
Percentage Full-time Students (FTS) with Financial Support In the prior year, the number of FTS (≥ 18 SCH) with support/the number of FTS 30%
Average Financial Support Provided For those receiving financial support, the average financial support provided per full-time graduate student (including tuition rebate) for the prior year, including research assistantships, teaching assistantships, fellowships, tuition, benefits, etc. that is "out-of-pocket" $30,912.00
Student-Core Faculty[4] Ratio Rolling three-year average of full-time student equivalent (FTSE) /rolling three-year average of full-time faculty equivalent (FTFE) of core faculty 3:1
Core Faculty Publications Rolling three-year average of the number of discipline-related refereed papers/ publications, juried creative/performance accomplishments, book chapters, notices of discoveries filed/patents issued, and books per year per core faculty member. 23
Core Faculty External Grants Rolling three-year average of the number of core faculty receiving external funds, average external grant $ per faculty, and total external grant $ per program per academic year[5] (Graph B)
Percentage Full-Time Students Rolling three-year average of the FTS (≥ 9 SCH)/number students enrolled (headcount) for last three fall semesters 96%
Number of Core Faculty Number of core faculty in the prior year 8
Faculty Teaching Load Total number of semester credit hours in organized teaching courses taught per academic year by core faculty divided by the number of core faculty in the prior year Fall: 24 credits
Spring: 14 credits
Summer: 16 credits
TOTAL: 54 credits/6 = 9
Faculty Diversity Core faculty by ethnicity (White, Black, Hispanic, Other) and gender, updated when changed White
Student Diversity Enrollment headcount by ethnicity (White, Black, Hispanic, Other) and gender in program in the prior year (Graph C)
Date of Last External Review Date of last formal external review, updated when changed March 2010
External Program Accreditation Name of body and date of last program accreditation review, if applicable, updated when changed Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education March 2010
Student Publications/Presentations Rolling three-year average of the number of discipline-related refereed papers/ publications, juried creative/performance accomplishments, book chapters, books, and external presentations per year per student Publications: 10.3
External Presentations: TBA

[1] Programs included only if in existence 3 or more years. Program is defined at the 8-digit CIP code level.

[2] First-year doctoral students: Those students who have been coded as doctoral students by the institution and have either completed a master's program or at least 30 SCH towards a graduate degree.

[3] Registered time to degree: The number of semesters enrolled starting when a student first appears as a doctoral student until she completes a degree, excluding any time taken off during graduate study. The number of years is obtained by dividing the number of semester by three.

[4] Core Faculty: Full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty who teach 50 percent or more in the doctoral program or other individuals integral to the doctoral program who can direct dissertation research.

[5] All external funds received from any source including research grants, training grants, gifts from foundations, etc.

Graph A

  AY2009 AY2010 AY2011 AY2012 AY2013 AY2014 AY2015 AY2016 AY2017
Advancing to Candidacy 19 18 22 22 21 26 30 22 25
Graduates 0 19 17 20 22 21 26 30 22

Graph B
Total External Funding: All external funds received from any source including research grants, training grants, gifts from foundations, etc.

Faculty AY2009 AY2010 AY2011 AY2012 AY2013 AY2014 AY2015 AY2016 AY2017
Ashcraft   $14,699 $22,700     $10,500 $5,000.00    
Champion   $541,015 $541,015 $628,620          
Cherry $187,605 $70,376 $88,124     $189,168      
Crenshaw           $500      $5,000
*Esperat           $1,828,383 $491,697.00 $850,042.00  
Fenton $249,183 $249,182 $249,182            
Green   $500,000 $500,000 $12,000     $10,000,000.00    
Hanley $63,995                
*McBride   $7,799,318              
McBride   $638,457              
Thomas     $23,050.00            

* Dr. McBride is the Co-Pl and supports the West Texas HITREC as Senior Advisor under the F. Marie Hall Rural and Community Institute

* Dr. Esperat holds 3 and 5 year grant dollars

*** Dr. Cherry's research grant is funded through 2017

Total external grant $ per program per academic year

AY2009 AY2010 AY2011 AY2012 AY2013 AY2014 AY2015 AY2016 AY2017
$500,783 $9,588,777 $1,199,801 $640,620 **$0 $2,028,551 $10,496,697.00 $850,042.00  

** Grant dollars are only reported once. Therefore, some grants reported in previous years carry over into the next academic year however they are NOT reported each academic year.

Rolling three-year average of the number of core faculty receiving external funds: 2

Graph C
Student Diversity

Ethnicity AY2009 AY2010 AY2011 AY2012 AY2013 AY2014 AY2015 AY2016 AY2017
  Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
White-Non Hispanic 7 21 5 19 7 26 6 25 7 32 7 28 9 38 3 20 2 12
Black- Non Hispanic 1 4 2 5 1 2 0 3   4 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 2
Hispanic 2 4 3 4 3 8 2 8 2 5 2 5 5 3 2 2 2 2
Asian or Pacific Islander 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1
American Indian or Alaskan Native 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
International 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unknown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 8 27 4 28
Total By Gender 10 30 10 29 11 34 8 36 9 42 9 39 15 45 13 50 8 45
Total 40 39 47 44 51 48 60 63 53

* Numbers derived from fall & spring semesters

Core Faculty

AY2009 AY2010 AY2011 AY2012 AY2013 AY2014 AY2015 AY2016 AY2017
7 7 6 7 6 6 8 7 7
Ashcraft Ashcraft Ashcraft Ashcraft Ashcraft Ashcraft Ashcraft Ashcraft Ashcraft
Cherry Champion Champion Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell
Fenton Cherry Cherry Crenshaw Crenshaw Crenshaw Crenshaw Crenshaw Crenshaw
Hanley Fenton Green Cherry Cherry Cherry Cherry Cherry Cherry
Hicks Hanley Hanley Green Green Green Esperat Esperat Esperat
McBride Hicks McBride McBride McBride McBride Green McBride McBride
Yoder-Wise McBride   Hanley     McBride Webb Webb