Class of 2017 Scholarly Activity
- Adiga Avinash, Nugent Kenneth. Lupus hepatitis and autoimmune hepatitis (lupoid hepatitis): why do we need to differentiate between the two entities? American Journal of Medical Sciences. Am J Med Sci. 2017 Apr;353(4):329-335
- Adiga, Avinash; Edriss, Hawa; Nugent, Kenneth. INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM AND SILDENAFIL. Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent). 2016, Apr;4(2):178-80.Cited in PubMed; PMID: 2734561
- Adiga, Avinash; Pixle, John. RELAPSING EROSIVE POLYARTHRITIS ASSOCIATED WITH HIDRADENITIS SUPPURATIVA. Journal of Investigative medicine. 2016, Mar; 64(3): 823
- Adiga, Avinash, D.P Singh. A STUDY ON COMPARISON OF CLILINICOSOCIAL PROFILE WITH STAGING OF LUNG CARCINOMA. Journal of pulmonary and respiratory medicine. 2012, Oct; 2(7):36
- Adiga, Avinash, Edress, Hawa. IS ACUTE SEVERE ASTHMA A RISK FACTOR FOR THE PROPOFOL INFUSION SYNDROME? The Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles. 2015, Mar; 3(11):40-42
- Panikkath, Deepa; Adiga, Avinash; Calmes, Michael. AUTOIMMUNE EAR DISEASE- A CASE REPORT AND BRIED REVIEW OF LITERATURE. Global vaccines and Immunology. 2016, Jun; DOI:10.15761/GVI1000113
- Adiga, Avinash; Denega, Tatiana; Panikkath, Deepa; Nugent, Kenneth. JOINT DEFORMITITES: A CLUE RO PERSISTENT HYPERCALCEMIA IN AN ELDERLY DEBILITATED PATIENT. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2016, Jan; 64(2): 488-634
- Adiga, Avinash; Edriss, Hawa; Panikkath, Deepa; Nugent, Kenneth. PROPOFOL INFUSION SYNDROME: A CONCERNING CAUSE OF NEW ONSET METABOLIC ACIDOSIS AND RENAL FAILURE IN ICU PATIENTS. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2015, Dec; 63(2): 324-482
- Adiga, Avinash; Mohammed, Ashref; Panikkath, Deepa; Nugent, Kenneth. AN UNUSUAL CASE PRESENTATION. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2015, Dec; 63(2): 483-488
- Adiga, Avinash; Panikkath, Deepa; Nugent, Kenneth. FALSE ELEVATION OF CARDIAC BIOMARKERS IN A CASE OF INCLUSION BODY MYOSITIS. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2016, Jan; 64(2): 405-487
- Adiga, Avinash; Panikkath, Deep; Nugent, Kenneth. A REVIEW OF INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE IN PATIENTS WITH HUMAN IMMUNODEFECIENCY VIRUS INFECTION. Journal of AIDS and clinical research. 2016, Apr; 7(5): 575
- Adiga, Avinash; Panikkath, Deepa; Nugent, Kenneth. POLYARTHRITIS AS A PRESENTING SYMPTOM OF GASTROINTESTINAL LYMPHOMA. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2016, Jan;64(2):405
- Jhirwal, Kripa Shanker; Singh, D.P.; Adiga, Avinash; Singh, Dilip. STAGING OF LUNG CARCINOMA AT PRESENTATION TO A TERTIARY CARE CENTER IN SOUTHERN RAJASTHAN. 2015;3(3)1244-1251. International Journal of Advanced Research. 2015, Mar; 3(3): 1244-1251
- Panikkath, Deepa; Adiga, Avinash; Nugent, Kenneth. A CASE OF HEADACHE AND VISUAL LOSS- GRANULOMATOSIS WITH POLYANGIITIS MIMICKING GIANT CELL ARTERITIS. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2016, Jan; 64(2): 488-634
- Panikkath, Deepa; Adiga, Avinash; Nugent, Kenneth. WELLENS SIGN- WINDOW MARKER OF CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2015, Dec; 63(2): 324-482
- Suarez, Maria, Adiga, Avinash, Nugent, Kenneth. TRANSITIONAL CELL CARCINOMA OF THE BLADDER MANIFESTATING AS MALIGNANT LYMOHOMA WITH GENERALIZED LYMPHADENOPATHY. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2016, Jan; 64(2): 405-487
- Suarez, Maria Gabriela; Adiga, Avinash. HYPERGLYCEMIA AND DIAPHRAGMATIC WEAKNESS IN ICU PATIENTS. Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles. 2016, Apr; 4(13): 11-14
- Tambi S. S. Adiga Avinash. POST PARTUM EOSINOPHILIC ASCITES- A RARE PRESENTATION OF EOSINOPHILIC GASTROENTERITIS. Spandan Quarterly Medical Bulletin. 2013, Jan; 1(2): 01
- Adiga Avinash. (March, 2012) MULTIPLE ORGAN DYSUNCTION SYNDROME-LOCAL SCENARIO. Oral presentation presented at Continuing Medical Education Program and Workshop 2012; Udaipur; India Oral Presentation presented at: Continuing Medical Education Program; Udaupur, IND
- Adiga Avinash. (January, 2016)> HEMOPHAGOCYTIC LYMPHOHISTIOCYTOSIS; A CASE SERIES AND REVIEW OF LITERATURE. Oral Presentation presented at : ACP Bignette; Lubbock, TX, USA
- Adiga Avinash. (January, 2013) LOW SAAG ASCITES. Oral Presentation presented at: Seminar Geetanjali Medical College and Hospital, Udaipur, IND
- Adiga Avinash, Chowdhary Shrawan. (March, 2011). SERUM URIC ACID LEVEL AS PREDICTOR OF MORTALIITY IN ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME. Oral Presentation presented at: Continuing Medical Education Program and Workshop; Udaipur, IND
- Adiga Avinash, D. P Singh (November, 2011. ANDROPAUSE IN INDIAN MALES. Oral Presentation presented at: XXII Annual Conference os Association of Physicians of India, Jaipur, IND
- Adiga Avinash; Denega, Tatiana; Panikkah, Deepa; Nugent, Kenneth. (february, 2016). JOINT DEFORMITITIES: A CLUE TO PERSISTENT HYPERCALCEMIA IN AN ELDERLY DEBILITATED PATIENT. Oral Presentation presented at: Southern Regional Meet, New Orleans; New Orleans., LA< USA
- Avinash Adiga, D. P Singh. (October, 2012). A STUDY ON COMPARISON OF CLINICO-SOCIAL PROFILE WITH STAGING OF LUNG CARCINOMA. Oral Presentation presented at: International Conference on Pulmonary and Respiratory medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
- Panikkath, Deepa; Adiga, Avinash; Nugent, Kenneth. (February, 2016). A CASE OF HEADACHE AND VISUAL LOSS- GRANULOMATOSIS WITH POLYANGITIS MIMICKING GAINT CELL ARTERITIS. Oral Presentation presented at: Southern Regional meet; New Orleans, LA, USA
- Teerakonak, Jirapat; Adiga, Avinash; Nugent, Kenneth. (february, 2017). EFFECTIVENESS OF ROMIPLOSTIM IN REFRACTORY IMMUNE THROMBOCYTOPENIA ASSOCIATED WITH SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS. Oral Presentation presented at: Southern Regional meet; New Orleans, LA, USA
- Adiga Avinash, Pixley, John. (March, 2016). RELAPSING EROSIVE POLYARTHRITIS ASSOCIATED WITH HIDRADENITIS SUPPURATIVA. Poster presented at: Eastern Regional Meet; Washington, DC, USA
- Adiga, Avinash; Edriss, Hawa; Panikkath, Deepa; Nugent, Kenneth. (february, 2015). PROPOFOL INFUSION SYNDROME: A CONCERNING CAUSE OF NEW ONSET METABOLIC ACIDOSIS AND RENAL FAILURE IN ICU PATIENTS. Poster presented at: Southern regional meet; New Orleans, LA, USA
- Adiga, Avinash; Panikkath, Deepa; Nugent, Kenneth. (February, 2016). FALSE ELEVATION OF CARDIAC BIOMARKERS IN A CASE OF INCLUSION BODY MYOSITIS. Poster presented at: Southern Regional Meet; New Orleans, LA, USA
- Adiga, Avinash; Panikkath, Deepa; Nugent, Kenneth. (February, 2016). POLYARTHRITIS AS A PRESENTING SYMPTOM OF GASTROINTESTINAL LYMPHOMA. Poster presented at: Southern Regional Meet; New Orleans, LA, USA
- Adiga, Avinash; Suarez, Maria; Nugent, Kenneth. (February, 2016). SMALL THINGS THAT MATTERS THE MOST- A CASE REPORT ON IMPORTANCE OF MAINTAINING ADEQUATE CARBON DIOXIDE LEVELS IN POST RESUSCITATION. Poster presented at: Southern Regional Meet; New Orleans, LA, USA
- Adiga, Avinash; Sultana, Anita; Nugent, Kenneth. (February, 2016). MARIJUANA INDUCED RHABDOMOLYSIS: A CASE SERIES. Poster presented at: Student research week; Lubbock, TX, USA
- Mohammed, Ashref; Panikkath, Deepa;Adiga, Avinash; Nugent, Kenneth. (February, 2015). AN UNUSUAL CASE PRESENTATION. 2015 Southern Regional Meet. New Orleans, Louisana. Poster presented at: Southern Regional Meet; New Orleans, LA, USA
- Panikkath, Deepa; Adiga, Avinash; Nugent, Kenneth. (February, 2015). WELLENS SIGN WINDOW MARKER OF CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE. Poster presented at: Southern Regional Meet; New Orleans, LA, USA
- Suarez, Maria; Adiga, Avinash; Nugent, Kenneth. (February, 2016). TRANSITIONAL CELL CARCINOMA OF THE BLADDER MANIFESTATING AS MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA WITH GENERALIZED LYMPHADENOPATHY. Poster presented at: Southern Regional Meet; New Orleans, LA, USA
- V Bazylevska, Adiga, Avinash and I Huzar, Lubbock, TX (February 2017). SEVERE CARDIOVASCULAR AUTONOMIC NEUROPATHY AS A COMPLICATION OF POORLY CONTROLLED DIABETES MELLITUS. Poster presented at: Southern Regional Meet; New Orleans, LA, USA
- E Juarez, Ramierz Tello, Adiga Avinash, Kenneth Nugent, Lubbock, TX (February 2017). METASTATIC CARCINOID TUMOR DEBUTATING WITH SEVERE DOUBLE VALVULAR DISEASE. Poster presented at: Southern Regional Meet; New Orleans, LA, USA
- E Juarez Ramierz Tello, Adiga Avinash, Kenneth Nugent (February, 2017). FALSE POSITIVE ELEVATION IN SERUM B-HCG LEVELS IN TRAZADONE OVERDOSE. Poster presented at: Southern Regional Meet; New Orleans, LA, USA
- E Juarez Ramierz Tello, Adiga Avinash, Kenneth Nugent, Re Gavidia Quezada. (February 2017). PASTEREULLA MULTOCIDA MENINGITIS LEADS TO DISSEMINATED INTRAVASCULAR COAGULATION AND MULTI-ORGAN FAILURE. Poster presented at: Southern Regional Meet; New Orleans, LA, USA
- Ghanbari H1, Başer K1, Jongnarangsin K1, Chugh A1, Nallamothu BK1, Gillespie BW1, Başer HD1, Suwanagool A, Crawford T1, Latchamsetty R1, Good E1, Pelosi F Jr1, Bogun F1, Morady F1, Oral H2. Mortality and cerebrovascular events after radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation. Heart Rhythm. 2014 Sep;11(9):1503-11. PMID: 24813379
- Baser K1, Bas HD, Yokokawa M, Latchamsetty R, Morady F, Bogun F. Infrequent intraprocedural premature ventricular complexes: implications for ablation outcome. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2014 Oct;25(1):1088-92. PMID: 24841954 ASER K1, Bas HD1, LaBounty T1, Yokokawa M1, Good E1, Latchamsetty R1, Morady F1, Bogun F2.Recurrence of PVCs in patients with PVC-induced cardiomyopathy. Heart Rhythm. 2015 Jul;12(7):1519-23 PMID: 25791642
- Farrehi PM1, O'Brien LM, Bas HD, Baser K, Jongnarangsin K, Latchamsetty R, Ghanbari H, Crawford T, Bogun F, Good E, Pelosi F, Chugh A, Morady F, Oral H.Occult obstructive sleep apnea and clinical outcomes of radiofrequency catheter ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation.J Interv Card Electrophysiol. 2015 Sep;43(3):279-86. PMID: 26036774
- Bas HD1, Baser K1, Hoyt J1, Yokokawa M1, LaBounty T1, Morady F1, Bogun F2.Effect of circadian variability in frequency of premature ventricular complexes on left ventricular function.Heart Rhythm. 2016 Jan;13(1):98-102. doi: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2015.07.038 PMID: 26247319
- Baser K, Yalcinkaya A, Bas HD, Klomjit S, Cagli K, Nugent K. Aorto-Right Atrial Communication After Tricuspid Annuloplasty. Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Doi: 10.5606/tgkdc.dergisi.2016.12346
- Bas HD, Baser K, Nugent K. Silicosis in Denim Sandblasters in Turkey. Gaziantep Medical
Journal (Manuscript Number: GANTEP-2015-07-101)
Taçoy G1, Başer HD2, Türkoğlu S2, Cengel A2.The management of adult female patients with Eisenmenger syndrome and advanced pulmonary arterial hypertension treatment: single center experience and follow-up for 5 years.Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars. 2014 Sep;42(6):531-41. doi: 10.5543/tkda.2014.54060. PMID: 25362943 - Berk J1, Wade R2, Baser HD3, Lado J4.Case report: severe reversible cardiomyopathy associated with systemic inflammatory response syndrome in the setting of diabetic hyperosmolar hyperglycemic non-ketotic syndrome. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2015 Oct 14;15:123. doi: 10.1186/s12872-015-0112-3. PMID: 26466591
- Bas HD, Rassameehiran S, Baser K, Srisung W, Bashir M, Woreta T. An Unusual Cause of Acute Pulmonary Embolism: Giant Hepatic Hemangioma. Accepted by the Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles. Vol4, No 15 (2016)
- Bas HD, Baser K, ShengPing Yang PhD. Acute kidney injury associated with concomitant use of vancomycin with piperacillin-tazobactam; a focused review and meta-analysis. The Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles. Vol 4, No 15 (2016)
- Baser K, Bas HD, Yalcinkaya A, Klomjit S, Cagli K, Nugent K. Aorto-right atrial communication after tricuspid annuloplasty. Southern Regional Meeting, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation-American Federation for Medical Research Meeting, February 26-28, 2015 New Orleans, LA, USA
- Ghanbari H1, Başer K1, Jongnarangsin K1, Chugh A1, Nallamothu BK1, Gillespie BW1, Başer HD1, Suwanagool A, Crawford T1, Latchamsetty R1, Good E1, Pelosi F Jr1, Bogun F1, Morady F1, Oral H2.Mortality and cerebrovascular events after radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation.Heart Rhythm. 2014 Sep;11(9):1503-11. PMID: 24813379
- Baser K1, Bas HD, Yokokawa M, Latchamsetty R, Morady F, Bogun F.Infrequent intraprocedural premature ventricular complexes: implications for ablation outcome.J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2014 Oct;25(10):1088-92. PMID: 24841954
- Ghanbari H1, Baser K1, Yokokawa M1, Stevenson W1, Della Bella P1, Vergara P1, Deneke T1, Kuck KH1, Kottkamp H1, Fei S1, Morady F1, Bogun F2.Noninducibility in postinfarction ventricular tachycardia as an end point for ventricular tachycardia ablation and its effects on outcomes: a meta-analysis. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2014 Aug;7(4):677-83. PMID: 24879789
- Baser K1, Bas HD1, LaBounty T1, Yokokawa M1, Good E1, Latchamsetty R1, Morady F1, Bogun F2.Recurrence of PVCs in patients with PVC-induced cardiomyopathy. Heart Rhythm. 2015 Jul;12(7):1519-23. PMID: 25791642
- Yokokawa M1, Kim HM1, Baser K1, Stevenson W2, Nagashima K2, Della Bella P3, Vergara P3, Hindricks G4, Arya A4, Zeppenfeld K5, de Riva Silva M5, Daoud EG6, Kumar S6, Kuck KH7, Tilz R7, Mathew S7, Ghanbari H1, Latchamsetty R1, Morady F1, Bogun FM8.Predictive value of programmed ventricular stimulation after catheter ablation of post-infarction ventricular tachycardia.J Am Coll Cardiol. 2015 May 12;65(18):1954-9 PMID: 25913000
- Farrehi PM1, O'Brien LM, Bas HD, Baser K, Jongnarangsin K, Latchamsetty R, Ghanbari H, Crawford T, Bogun F, Good E, Pelosi F, Chugh A, Morady F, Oral H.Occult obstructive sleep apnea and clinical outcomes of radiofrequency catheter ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation.J Interv Card Electrophysiol. 2015 Sep;43(3):279-86.. PMID: 26036774
- Bas HD1, Baser K1, Hoyt J1, Yokokawa M1, LaBounty T1, Morady F1, Bogun F2.Effect of circadian variability in frequency of premature ventricular complexes on left ventricular function.Heart Rhythm. 2016 Jan;13(1):98-102 PMID: 26247319
- Yokokawa M, Kim HM, Baser K, Stevenson W, Nagashima K, Della Bella P, Vergara P, Hindricks G, Arya A, Zeppenfeld K, de Riva Silva M, Daoud EG, Kumar S, Kuck KH, Tilz R, Mathew S, Ghanbari H, Latchamsetty R, Morady F, Bogun F.Reply: Elimination of All Inducible Ventricular Tachycardias as the Endpoint for Ablation.J Am Coll Cardiol. 2015 Dec 8;66(22):2576-7 PMID: 26653638
- Oksuz F1, Sensoy B1, Sahan E1, Sen F1, Baser K1, Cetin H1, Unal S1, Ozeke O2, Topaloglu S1, Aras D1.The classical "R-on-T" phenomenon.Indian Heart J. 2015 Jul-Aug;67(4):392-4.. PMID: 26304578
- Aras D1, Ozeke O1, Cay S1, Ozcan F1, Baser K1, Dogan U2, Unlu M3, Demirkan B1, Tufekcioglu O1, Topaloglu S1.Arrhythmogenic Noncompaction Cardiomyopathy: Is There an Echocardiographic Phenotypic Overlap of Two Distinct Cardiomyopathies?J Cardiovasc Ultrasound. 2015 Sep;23(3):186-90. PMID: 26448828
- Yokokawa M1, Jung DY2, Hero AO III2, Baser K1, Morady F1, Bogun F3.Single- and dual-site pace mapping of idiopathic septal intramural ventricular arrhythmias. Heart Rhythm. 2016 Jan;13(1):72-7. PMID: 26325532
- Deveci B1, Baser K2, Gul M3, Sen F2, Kafes H2, Avci S4, Temizer O5, Ozeke O6, Tufekcioglu O2, Golbasi Z2.Right ventricular outflow tract function in chronic heart failure.Indian Heart J. 2016 Apr;68 Suppl 1:S10-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ihj.2015.07.028. PMID: 27056647
- Ozeke O1, Aras S2, Baser K3, Sen F3, Kirbas O3, Cay S3, Ozcan F3, Topaloglu S3, Aras D3, Aydogdu S3.Defensive medicine due to different fears by patients and physicians in geriatric atrial fibrillation patients and second victim syndrome.Int J Cardiol. 2016 Jun 1;212:251-2. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.03.093. PMID: 27054498
- Ozeke O1, Cay S2, Ozcan F2, Baser K2, Topaloglu S2, Aras D2.Similarities between the renal artery and pulmonary vein denervation trials: Do we have to use sham procedures for atrial fibrillation catheter ablation trials?Int J Cardiol. 2016 May 15;211:55-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.02.158. PMID: 26974697
- Aras D1, Topaloglu S1, Ozeke O2, Cay S1, Ozcan F1, Baser K1.Left coronary cusp cryoablation guided by electroanatomic mapping for outflow ventricular arrhythmias. Int J Cardiol. 2016 May 15;211:137-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.02.156. PMID: 26961740
- Baser K, Yalcinkaya A, Bas HD, Klomjit S, Cagli K, Nugent K. Aorto-Right Atrial Communication After Tricuspid Annuloplasty. Turkish Journal of Thoracis and Cardiovascular Surgery, Doi: 10.5606/tgkdc.dergisi.2016.12346
- Baser K, Bas HD, Yalcinkaya A, Klomjit S, Cagli K, Nugent K. Aorto-right atrial communication after tricuspid annuloplasty. Southern Regional Meeting, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation- American Federation for Medical Research Meeting, February 26-28, 2015 New Orleans, LA, USA
- Ali E, Mazek H, Mohamed A, Baser K, Mulkey Z. Promethazine toxicity misdiagnosed as meningoencephalitis. Southern Regional Meeting, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation- American Federation for Medical Research Meeting, February 26-28, 2015 New Orleans, LA, USA
- Change in neutrophil lymphocyte ratios in cardiac arrest patients undergoing targeted temperature management. Student Research Week 2017 March 7-10, TTUHSC. Lubbock, TX, USA
- Vladyslava Bazylevska, Alvaro Rosales, Scott Shurmur. D-dimer measurements in acute aortic dissection. The Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles, 2016; 15(4)
- Vladyslava Bazylevska, Jason Strefling, Ragesh Panikkath, et al. Hand-arm vibration syndrome with distal brachial artery occlusion. The Southwest Respiratory and Pulmonary Chronicles, 2017; 17(5)
- Bazylevska V, Feringa H, Venkata S, Bellumkonda L, Russell R, Jacoby D. EF<50% Strongly Predicts Abnormal PET/CT Imaging Results in Patients Being Evaluated for Cardiac Sarcoidosis. American Heart Association, Scientific Session 2014, National Meeting. November 2014, Chicago, IL
- Bazylevska V, H. Feringa H, Venkata S, Russell R, Jacoby D, Bellumkonda L. Both Semi-quantitative and Quantitative Assessment of Positron Emission Tomography Strongly Predicts Outcomes in Patients Being Evaluated for Cardiac Sarcoidosis. American Heart Association, Scientific Session 2014, National Meeting. November 2014, Chicago, IL
- Nanna M, Bazylevska V, Wong R, Murphy T, Bellumkonda L, McNamara R. In Hospital Weight Change is Not Associated with Readmission Risk in Patients with Heart Failure. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2015;65(10_S): doi:10.1016/S0735-1097(15)60812-9. American College of Cardiology, 64th Annual Scientific Session, National Meeting. March 2015, Sand Diego, CA
- Nanna M, Murphy TE, Wong RL, Bazylevska V, Bellumkonda L, McNamara R. Inconsistent In-Hospital Weight Measurement of Heart Failure Patients and the Association with Readmission Risk. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2015;8:A383. American Heart Association, Quality of Care and Outcomes Research (QCOR) Scientific Sessions 2015, National Meeting. May 2015, Baltimore MD
- Bazylevska V,Panikkath D, Huizar, An Unusual Case of Recurrent Life.: Threatening Seizures as Only Presentation of Systemic Lupus Erythematous. Southern Society for Clinical Investigation (SSCI), Southern Regional Meeting 2016. February 2016, New Orleans, LA
- Bazylevska V, Wondimagegnehu N, Panikkath R, Shurmur S. An Unusual Case of Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection Mimicking Acute Pericarditis. Southern Society of Clinical Investigation (SSCI), Southern Regional Meeting 2016. February 2016, New Orleans, LA
- Bazylevska V, Strefling J, Panikkath R, Suarez J, Jenkins L. An Unusual Case of Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome with Distal Brachial Artery Occlusion Presenting as Acute Arm Ischemia. TTUHSC Student Research Week 2016, Regional Meeting. March 2016, Lubbock, TX
- Cuevas J, Edriss H. Images in Medicine. Persistent left-sided superior vena cava. SWRCCC 2015,3(11):33-43
- Pena C, Karukote A, Cuevas J, Nugent K. Severe hypoxemia without pulmonary infiltrates in systemic lupus erythematosus. SWRCCC 2015;3(12):39-47
- Mahmood T, Cuevas J, Huizar I, Nugent K. The effect of disease modifying drugs on the lung in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. SWRCCC2016;4(13):3-11
- McKenzie P, Cuevas J, Sotello D, Fuhrmann K, Winn R, Brindley G. Clostridium cadaveris septic arthritis after total hip arthroplasty in an immunocompetent host
- ACP Regional Competition. Refractory diarrhea in medullary thyroid carcinoma
- Pulmonary vein stenosis. The Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles. Vol 4, No 13, 2016
- Edriss H, Denega T, Test V, Nugent K.Pulmonary vein stenosis complicating radiofrequency catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation: A literature review. Respir Med. 2016 Aug;117:215-22. doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2016.06.014. PBMID: 27492534
- Edriss H, Selvan K, Denega T, Rodrigues T, Test V, Nugent K. The Complexity of Characteristics, Diagnoses and Treatment of Older Patients With Pulmonary Hypertension.Am J Med Sci. 2018 Jan;355(1):13-20. doi: 10.1016/j.amjms.2017.07.008. PMID: 29289256
- Suvorava N, Dobronski L, Mazek H, Nichols, J, Winn R. Pasteurella Multocida cellulitis of the knee in a patient with recent total knee arthroplasty. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 2014 Feb;62(2):437
- Nichols J, Srisung W, Yarbrough S. Round pneumonia with pseudomonas Luteola and escherichia vulneris. The Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles. 3.12(2015)
- Italiya J, Marquardt P, Nichols J, Payne J, Larumbe E. (2017, April). Cannabinoids as Therapy for Pain in Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review. Poster presentations presented at the 2nd Annual Symposium for the Center of Excellence for Translational Neuroscience and Therapeutics, Lubbock, TX
- presented poster at TTUHSC Student Research Week (March 2017)
- Suarez G1, Meyerrose G1.Heart failure and galectin 3.Ann Transl Med. 2014 Sep;2(9):86
- Suarez G, Adiga A. Hyperglycemia and diaphragmatic weakness in ICU patients. The Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles. 2016;4(13):17-19
- Suarez G, Juarez E, Gavidia R, Lado-Abeal J. The effect of carboplatin, paclitaxel and external beam radiation on thyroid size.
- Suarez G, Shehap-Eldin M, Lado-Abeal J. Rare case of Streptococcus alfa hemolyticus endocarditis. Submitted and awaiting approval
- Suarez G, Juarez E, Gavidia R, Hardwicke F, Colon cancer presenting as panhypopituitarism (awaiting submission)
- Suarez G, Sultan A, Verma R. Can elevated coagulation factor viii cause thrombosis? Oral presentation at InterContinental New Orleans in New Orleans, Louisiana. February 20, 2016
- Sultan A, Sarez G, Shanshal M, Hardwicke F. Ibilibor. Small cell cancer-with rare presentation as bladder cell cancer. Poster presentation at InterContinental new Orleans in New Orleans, Louisiana. February 18, 2016
- Aly M, Suarez G, Jamal F. A rare case with ANCA related Necrotizing Glomerulonephritis without nephritic features or systemic vasculitis. Poster presentation at ASN kidney week San Diego, California. November, 2016
- Weeraporn S, Suarez G, Parekh K. Seronegative anti-glomerular basement membrane disease resulting i dialysis dependence. Oral presentation at ASN kidney week San Diego, CA. November, 2015
- Denega T, Suarez G, Prahbakar. Hyponatremia in patients with West Nile infections: a retrospective analysis of 23 cases. Oral presentation at the InterContinental New Orleans in New Orleans, LA. February, 2017
- Severe sepsis and pre eclampsia; is there any association; http.//,Meeting_Abstracts
- AML or a Sarcoma? What could be this Retroperitoneal mass- http.//,Meeting_Abstracts
- Could it be a rare presentation of Bland-White Garland syndrome- http.//,Meeting_Abstracts
- Ortner's Syndrome: Case Study and Literature Review-submitted to Baylor proceedings
- Treatment of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer in a Pregnant Woman with Lynch Syndrome-a Case Report (published in Journal of Integrative Oncology 07/2016)
- Symptomatic moldering Waldenstrom Macrglogulinemia- Edna Juarez, Mohamed Shanshal,
Anita Sulta, Sanjay Awasthi
Chronic myelogenous leukemia BCR/ABL positive complicating a pregnancy
- Severe Sepsis and pre eclampsia; is there any association? 2017 Southern Regional Meeting February 11-13, 2017
- AML or a Sarcoma? What could be this Retroperitoneal mass- 2017 Southern Regional Meeting February 11-13, 2017
- Could it be a rare presentation of Bland-White Garland syndrome- 2017 Southern Regional Meeting, February 11-13, 2017
- Symptomatic moldering Waldenstrom Macrglogulinemia-Edna Juarez, Mohamed Shanshal, Anita Sulta, Sanjay Awasthi - 2017 Southern Regional Meeting. February 11-13, 2017
- Chronic myelogenous leukemia BCR/ABL positive complicating a pregnancy- 2017 Southern Regional Meeting. February 11-13, 2017
- Tantrachoti P, Klomjit S, Rassameehiran S, Shurmur S. Supraventricular Tachycardia associated with Phentermine Use. SWRCCC 2016;4(15): 70-74
- Rassameehira S, Tantrachoti P, Nugent K. Percutaneous Gallbladder Aspiration for Acute Cholecystitis. Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent). 2016 Oct; 29(4): 381-384
- Ruthirago D, Julayanont P, Tantrachoti P, Kim J, Nugent K. Cardiac Arrhythmias and Abnormal ECGs After Acute Stroke. Am J Med Sci. 2016 Jan;351(1):112-8
- Panikkath D, Tantrachot T, Panikkath R, Nugent K. Streptococcus Agalactiae Pyomyostis in Diabetes Mellitus. Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent). 2016 Jul;29(3):290-1
- Szkaradkiewicz A, Karpiński TM, Majewski J, Malinowska K, Goślińska-Kuźniarek O, Linke K. The Participation of p53 and bcl-2 Proteins in Gastric Carcinomas Associated with Helicobacter Pylori and/or Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV).Pol J Microbiol. 2015;64(3):211-6.. PMID 26638529
- Husseinzadeh N1, Carter V, Wesseler T.Significance of positive endocervical curettage in predicting endocervical canal involvement in patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Gynecol Oncol. 1989 Dec;35(3):358-61.. PMID 2599472
- Tantrachoti P, Prondong A, Teerakanok J, Warraich I, Nugent K. Membranous Lupus Nephritis in African-American male. Poster presentation at 28th Annual Student Research Week. 2016 Mar 10
- Tantrachoti P, Klomjit S, Nantsupawat T, Nugent K. Myocarditis as a cause of new onset left bundle branch block with acute severe mitral regurgitation. Poster presented at Southern Regional Meeting. 2016 Feb 18
- Hosiriluck N, Tantrachoti P, Buscemi D. Retrospective Chart review of hydrocodone discontinuation in the Internal Medicine Clinic. 2nd place winner of resident poster presentation. Texas chapter scientific meeting, American College of Physicians. 2015 Nov 7
- Ruthirago d, Wondimagegnehu N, Tantrachoti P, Nugent K. A rare presentation of disseminated histoplasmosis mimicking metastatic cancer in apparently immunocompetent individual. Poster presentation at American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting. 2015 Apr 23
- Tantrachoti P, Nugent K. Tumor lysis syndrome in small cell lung cancer. Poster presentation at 27th Annual Student Research Week. 2015 Mar 12
- Tantrachoti P, Panikkath D, Hosiriluck N, Nugent K. Non-tropical pyomyositis- A unique masquerader. Poster presentation at 27th Annual Student Research Week. 2015 Mar 12
- Tantrachoti P, Wondimagegnehu , Ruthirago D, Rassameehira S, Tello W. A rare cause of massive upper GI bleeding: Primary aortoenteric Fistula, a case report and literature review. Poster presented at Southern Regional Meeting. 2015 Feb 26
- Tantrachoti P, Klomjit S, Nugent K. Effect of Statins on High Sensitivity C-Reactive protein levels in systemic Lupus erythematosus: A meta-analysis. Oral presentation accepted for 21st World Congress of Cardiology Jul 2016
- Nantsupawat T, Soontrapa S, Nantsupawat N, Klomjit S, Tantrachoti P, Sotello D, Mazek H, Perez-Verdia A. Gastrointestinal Bleeding Prophylaxis in Atrial Fibrillation Patients Receiving Dabigatran. Oral presentation accepted for 21st World Congress of Cardiology Jul2 2016
- Tantrachoti P, Wachtel M, Nugent K. Recurrent Unexplained gastrointestinal bleeding. Winner of the Local American College of Physicians Vignette Competition among PGY-2 residents of TTUHSC. Participant in the Regional American College of Physicians Vignette Competition. 2016 Apr 27
- Tantrachoti P, Verma R, Jones C. An interesting cerebellar hemangioblastoma with polycythemia. Oral presentation at Southern Regional Meeting. 2016 Feb 20
- Almost dressed to impress: An atypical case, SSCI 2016, New Orleans, LA
- Severe hepatic impairment as an initial presentation of porphyria SSCI 2016, New Orleans, LA
- Subdural Hematoma causing neurogenic stress cardiomyopathy in a young female, SSCI, New Orleans, LA 2016