Hematology/Oncology Didactics | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Didactic Conferences

Board Review Strategies
Emphasis is on board testing techniques and review of multiple choice questions.

Hematology Oncology Didactic Lectures
Consists of formal lectures providing a comprehensive review of all aspects of medical oncology and hematology. The disease-specific reviews include the relevant basic biology, pathogenies, epidemiology staging, treatment etc. 

House Staff Meeting
Is a monthly meeting of all TTUHSC fellows sponsored by the office of GME. This meeting serves to update house staff on important institutional issues. Elected officers of the house staff serve as liaisons on many institutional committees.

Breast Tumor Board
This is a multidisciplinary meeting attended by Surgeons, Radiation Oncologists, Medical Oncologists, Pathologists and Radiologists where all new breast cancer cases are discussed. This has been a rewarding conference for fellows.

Case Review Conference
In this conference fellows present challenging cases to the team in an informal manner. 

Morbidity and Mortality
Case-based medical conference where patients with adverse outcomes are critically examined and discussed.

Journal Club
Monthly presentation at which important articles relevant to Hematology/Oncology are critically reviewed and presented by the fellows with input and mentoring from the appropriate faculty members.

Hematopathology Conference
A twice monthly conference where benign and malignant hematology cases are discussed with active participation of the hematopathologists. Bone marrow aspirates, biopsies and peripheral blood smears are reviewed.

Basic Science/Research
A twice monthly conference in which relevant basic science is applied to Hematology and Oncology are discussed by Fellows and Attending's. Ongoing researches are also presented and discussed.

Grand Rounds
Are conducted by the Department of Medicine and other institutional faculty as well as visiting professors. Topics include advances in clinical knowledge in many fields on Internal Medicine.

Breast Conference
This weekly internal conference consists of clinical and surgical interest related to the practice of breast care and includes hospital-based case discussions. Participation from surgery, pathology, radiology, medical oncology, radiation oncology, plastic surgery, medical genetics and general internal medicine - breast clinic, is solicited in the discussion of interpretation of findings, differential diagnosis and management of breast diseases.

Neuro Oncology Tumor Board
Held once a month, new neuro oncology cases are presented at a well-attended interdisciplinary meeting. Neurologists, Surgeons, Radiation Oncologists, Medical Oncologists regularly attend this meeting. 


Tumor Board
Interdisciplinary meeting to present new patients, review pathology and radiographic studies, and discuss evidenced-based management.

Bone Marrow Transplant
In this conference Transplant Candidates and current patients are presented and discussed.  A short didactics lecture concerning all aspects of bone marrow transplants is also given twice a month.


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