Summer Safety Tips | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
TTUHSC students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.

TTUHSC Expert Discusses Typical Seasonal Spike in Traumatic Injuries   


Students are out of school for the summer. Workers are off on vacation. Brian Kendall, M.D., Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) assistant professor of Emergency Medicine, said it’s no coincidence that serious trauma and injury cases usually spike during the season that most of us associate with rest and recreation. 

“We’re all out playing and having a lot of fun,” Kendall said. “We go on vacations; a lot of people are on the roadways driving. It’s warm enough now to go to places like the pool. We can get out those vehicles, whether it be an ATV or a golf cart or motorcycle, bicycles or scooters. And because of the nature of those activities, inevitably there are going to be injuries. But there are things that we can do to help prevent those injuries from being serious.” 

The most frequent trauma cases in the summer are from motorized vehicle or bicycle accidents, near drownings or drownings, and heat-related injuries, Kendall said. 




  • Brian Kendall, M.D.
  • Brian Kendall, M.D.
  • Brian Kendall, M.D.