TTUHSC Medical Students Meet Their Match | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
TTUHSC students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.
 match day 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic forced changes to medical schools across the country with the 2021 residency recruitment, interview and Match Day processes. Fourth-year students went virtual for their residency interviews, adjusted clinical rotations and lived through the academic adjustments due to the pandemic. Yet, even with the trials of the year, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) School of Medicine fourth- year students met the challenges and participated virtually in Match Day March 19. 

Match Day is a nerve-wracking event that has played out on medical school campuses across the country since 1952. Approximately 180 TTUHSC School of Medicine students participated in Match Day and learned where they will be for the next three to seven years for their residencies. The results were sealed in an envelope and opened simultaneously at all of the nation’s medical schools. 




  • United States Map
  • Dr. Berk speaking to SOM students
  • TTUHSC School of Medicine Match Day Destinations
  • Dr. Berk close-up
  • I matched! IN: Internal medicine card
  • Dr. Berk with US Map in background
  • I matched blank card
  • Dr. Berk with two students who matched
  • Match day gift bags ready for distribution
  • Match day gift bag close up
  • TTUMedMatch 2021 for Lauren Ford, MD card on gift bag
  • Another close-up of match day gift bags
  • Gift box for Daniel Vinson
  • Matched student Nathan Lloyd picking up gift bag
  • Matched student Nathan Lloyd picking up gift box
  • TTUHSC 2021 Match Day balloon
  • Students entering SOM Student Affairs area
  • Matched student in Dermatology with balloon
  • Staff sorting through matched cards
  • Dr. Berk with matched student in Plastic Surgery
  • Dr. Berk with two matched students
  • Matched student with Match Day balloon