The Beat - July 2018
July 2018 Edition (Archives)
Pharmacy Hosts Seventeenth Research Days
Faculty and student scientists met June 13-14 in Amarillo for the School of Pharmacy’s Seventeenth Annual Research Days, an interdisciplinary forum that spotlights the school’s research activities during the past year. MORE»
Pharmacy Residency Program Celebrates 20th Anniversary
The Graduate Pharmacy Education (Residency) Program at the TTUHSC School of Pharmacy, established during the 1997-1998 academic year, celebrated its 20th anniversary June 13 at the Embassy Suites Amarillo Hotel Downtown. MORE»
Uniquely Serving CVS’s Hispanic Customers
Amarillo pharmacy student Nathaniel Moore is serving as a Spanish Immersion pharmacist intern at a CVS Pharmacy location in Donna, Texas. The special internship program helps CVS to better serve its Hispanic-dominant markets. MORE»
TTUHSC to Join Amarillo Foundation in Pediatric Cancer Fight
The MTK Foundation, the TTUHSC Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy and the TTUHSC Department of Pediatrics in Amarillo announced a partnership to fund cutting edge research pertaining to pediatric cancer that will take place in Amarillo. MORE»
Three Student Research Assistants Receive Travel Scholarships
A trio of graduate students from the School of Pharmacy’s Graduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences recently received scholarships to attend events related to their research. MORE»
The Beat is a monthly electronic newsletter produced by TTUHSC Office of Communication & Marketing for Amarillo faculty, staff, students and other stakeholders. All Amarillo faculty and staff are automatically subscribed to the email version.
Please send any information you'd like to include in The Beat to Kelly Podzemny at