The Beat - February 2019 | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
TTUHSC students walking through Lubbock campus courtyard.
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February 2019 Edition (Archives)

School of Pharmacy Shines Spotlight on Research

The TTUHSC School of Pharmacy on Jan. 29 announced its researchers received more than $9.2 million in new research funding from January 2018 through January 2019. MORE»

TTUHSC School of Pharmacy

Graduate Students Invited to Make Presentations, Attend Meetings

The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology has invited Sharavan Ramachandran and Nehal Gupta, graduate students from the Graduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences (GPPS), to make oral and poster presentations April 6-9 in Orlando, Florida. Six other GPPS students recently received travel awards as well. MORE»

TTUHSC Graduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Karamyan Receives Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award

Vardan T. Karamyan, Ph.D., an associate professor for the School of Pharmacy, was one of four Texas Tech University System faculty members to receive a Chancellor’s Council Distinguished Teaching Award Jan. 24 in Lubbock. MORE»

Vardan T. Karamyan

Pharmacy Researcher Awarded NIH Grant

Paul Trippier, Ph.D., an assistant professor for the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Amarillo, recently received a five-year, $1.88 million research grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for his research on pediatric cancer. MORE»

Paul Trippier

Amarillo Businessman, Former Mayor Gifts $10 Million to Texas Tech's School of Veterinary Medicine

The commitment of Jerry Hodge and his wife, Margaret, to generously support the Texas Tech University School of Veterinary Medicine with a $10 million gift was recognized this month by Texas Tech officials during ceremonies held at the Amarillo Club.

Jerry Hodge 

Chick-fil-A on Campus Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays

"EAT MOR CHIKIN!" The Chick-fil-A food kiosk visits TTUHSC-Amarillo from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Catch them in the School of Medicine basement hallway north of the student center.


The Beat is a monthly electronic newsletter produced by TTUHSC Office of Communication & Marketing for Amarillo faculty, staff, students and other stakeholders. All Amarillo faculty and staff are automatically subscribed to the email version.

Please send any information you'd like to include in The Beat to Kelly Podzemny at

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